Chiropractic Care

Our licensed chiropractor provides gentle, hands-on treatment to restore spinal function and relieve many conditions quickly and effectively.

What to expect with your Initial Chiropractic Evaluation by Dr. Darren Poncelet.

Health History

Your initial chiropractic evaluation is very detailed. We ask that you completely and accurately fill out the initial health forms for your file. YES, it is paperwork. No, it isn’t fun, but it is a very important component to ensure the best results possible. During this time, you will meet Dr. Darren.

Balance Scales

The next step of this evaluation is having you stand on balance scales. These scales have little to do with your actual weight.

What we are very interested in is the weight difference between the two scales. For optimal skeletal alignment you should be within 1 kg.

Health analysis

A series of tests that will not cause you any discomfort is what follows. We will do a thermal scan of your spine to assess for areas of inflammation.

Our surface electromyogram will assess muscle tone to determine areas of muscle hypertonicity (increased muscle firing patterns) or hypotonicity (decreased muscle firing patterns), as well as symmetry of back muscles.

Dr. Darren will then complete a detailed posture evaluation. Your posture is the window to your overall health. Your complete health history, including current and previous major stresses in your life, is discussed next. Anything from a car accident, fall down stairs or previous injury that has never been properly corrected, may have a significant impact in the level of spinal degeneration and existing symptoms you now have.

What do you really want to accomplish with your health? Our next step is to discuss your goals and expectations. We are focused on restoring your health so you can live to your best ability.

Test results will be highlighted and explained to you. We will also determine if we need to arrange for x-rays to be taken before proceeding with any adjustments.

Also included are the following:

Education, Report of findings and Results

We will teach you about how your body functions and why you are where you are.

We will then go through your report of findings privately by reviewing the results of your x-rays, posture and all the tests.

We have found that people that are educated and informed get the best results. Our plans of management to correct your health concerns are designed from professional knowledge and years of experience. When plans of management are not followed then results are compromised.

It has been noted that when people comment that Chiropractic didn’t “work” for them, usually the expectation didn’t meet a realistic time line and that disconnect caused frustration. Please be assured that we will do everything we can to:

  1. Provide a diagnosis through a detailed initial evaluation.
  2. Explain the diagnosis in detail so you completely understand what is happening to your body.
  3. Provide a clear plan of management to correct your problem and achieve your goals.

We do understand that time and finances are a concern for some people. Our clinic is open 55 hours/week to serve you.

We never turn anyone away because of their condition or financial ability to pay. However, we have turned people away for not making their health a PRIORITY.

Our door and lines of communication are always open to discuss your best options no matter what the circumstances.

Ready to Book Your Appointment?