Radiating Pain & Numbness


Radiating Pain and Numbness is a very common complaint for Canadians, and it is also an issue for which there are many causes. The key factor in eliminating this symptom is finding the root cause of the suffering and bringing it to an end, to allow the body to correct itself.

The First Step: Diagnosis

Utilizing the various tools at our disposal, we will determine what type of injury we are dealing with. The tools used include X-rays, Thermal and EMG, health history, posture analysis and more. Once it is determined what the root cause of the pain is, we can treat the issue and help eliminate the symptoms.

The Second Step: Determining the Root Cause

Trigger Point Pain

Trigger points are locations in the skeletal muscle (movement muscles) and fascia, the membrane overlaying the muscle. These points are hyper sensitive and hyper irritable and can cause specific patterns of pain. This type of pain is corrected with myofascial release massage which breaks up scar tissue in the fascia and releases the often associated tightness which is causing the pain.

Nerve Entrapment

Nerve entrapment occurs when pressure is applied to a nerve via subluxation (vertebrae pressing on a nerve) or scar tissue. We use adjustments and/or mobilization to remove nerve pressure and correct the issue. In cases located in the feet, such as Morton’s Neuroma, orthotics can help prevent the metatarsals from pressing on the nerve.

Organ Referred Pain

When particular organs are in distress, diseased, or inflamed, they may refer pain to the outer extremities, along nerve lines called dermatomes. For example, the gall bladder will cause right shoulder pain. Proper nutritional and supplemental steps can be taken to correct the problem.


The final diagnosis can be any one issue, or a combination of them all. We will find the root of your problem and lift you back up to pain free health. We do this by utilizing our comprehensive diagnostic tools. For patients suffering from complex issues, we suggest taking advantage of our Complete Health Analysis (CHA) promotion, with which you can visit each practitioner for an initial consultation for half the price. No other clinic offers this opportunity to be assessed as a whole being, rather than as a collective of parts.

Chiropractic patients reported “significant improvement in perceived comfort and function, nerve conduction and finger sensation overall” – JMPT 1998

Chiropractic patients also reported “significant increase in grip strength” – JMPT 1994

Let’s Connect

M&Y Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre offers a wide range of services and treatments and because we work together as a team with you, your goals are well within your reach. We can ease your stress and help you succeed.

M&Y Chiropractic is a multi-disciplinary wellness centre. We focus on improving the health and wellness of everyone within our community of Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas. You are not alone; we are all here to help you in any way we can.

Just ask – call anytime  905 898-6644