New Years Resolutions for Chiropractic Patients

2020 resolutions

Happy New Year to all! We want to take this opportunity to wish all of our amazing patients a very happy new year filled with health, happiness, and success. Every year, people create New Year’s resolutions to improve their life, but often find those resolutions difficult to stick to.

We have compiled a list of 10 resolutions for chiropractic patients to practice.

10 Resolutions for Chiropractic Patients

  1. Do your traction faithfully.
  2. Do not miss any life giving, healing adjustments.
  3. Show up on time for your adjustments.
  4. Keep up with your stretching and strengthening exercises.
  5. Do not slouch at your desk.
  6. Do not be a couch potato at home.
  7. Sleep on your back or side – NOT your stomach.
  8. Purchase an approved cervical contour pillow/back support.
  9. Do not take your health for granted.
  10. Tell others about the many and great benefits of Chiropractic.

You can start with one and add on slowly, or if you are healthy and ambitious – do them all at once! If you have goals and resolutions of your own that you would like to achieve, but have difficulty following through, you can still get back on track!

How to Get Back on Track

  1. Make a list of changes you would like to make
  2. List your top 3 in order of priority
  3. Set a specific, measurable goal and deadline for each
  4. Identify what help and support you need
  5. Set yourself up for success by planning each change into your daily routine
  6. Plan a reward– something that you really want and give it to yourself once your goal is achieved

Ask for Help

We all have made promises to ourselves that we haven’t kept. Nine times out of ten you didn’t achieve your goal because you tried to do it on your own. We all need the help of others to achieve certain goals. Having support also makes the journey more enjoyable and ultimately more successful.

M&Y Can Help

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care with Dr. Darren Poncelet will not only align your spine but also allow proper flow of your nervous system. This in turn allows your body to heal and function properly thus helping you with any ailments you may have.

Naturopathic Care 

Our Naturopathic Doctor can help you achieve safe and healthy weight loss with nutritional advice and help dealing with those pesky cravings.

Massage Therapy 

Our Registered Massage Therapists can help you with releasing stress, any physical problems caused by slips or falls that can happen at this time of the year and those nagging pains that you keep ignoring.

M&Y Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre offers a wide range of services and treatments and because we work together as a team with you, your goals are well within your reach. We can ease your stress and help you succeed.

M&Y Chiropractic is a multi-disciplinary wellness centre. We focus on improving the health and wellness of everyone within our community of Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas.You are not alone; we are all here to help you in any way we can. Just ask!